One Night in Belfast, Maine

One Night in Belfast, Maine

Belfast is an adorable coastal town in Maine with so much charm and some truly nice people. And great beer.

Marshall Wharf Brewing

After finding a spot to set up shop for the night, we walked down the street to Marshall Wharf Brewing.

They had a great selection for such a small brewery and some very unique brews, like their Pemaquid Oyster Stout, with actual live oysters used in the brewing process. Yum? Yes, yum!

Front Street Pub

Sadly, we had missed the fried fiddleheads that this pub is known for… they’re such a seasonal Maine delicacy we were excited to try. Next time. But everything else we tried at the pub was delicious and again- the people. So freaking nice.

Camden, Maine

Heading down the coast we stopped in Camden to admire the view from the top of a little hike.. that we cheated and drove up to the top of. Whoops. Anyways, here’s some photos!