A Tropical Storm in Maine?

A Tropical Storm in Maine?

A strong rain storm in a camper is not fun. A tropical storm?? Nuh uh, nope, not doing that.

We were in Bar Harbor when we heard of the news of the approaching storm and the expected strength and damage. We knew we needed to head inland immediately and away from the expected path. the problem was, the entire state was the expected path at that time.

We chose to head inland, but not too far so that we were able to continue our plans of traveling down the coast of Maine once the storm had passed. We found a cute little campground called Christies Campground in Newport, Maine, located on Sebasticook Lake. It. Was. Adorable. And exactly what I think of when I think of a campground in Maine. Very charming with spots located right on the beautiful lake and the owner was so insanely nice and helpful, a true Mainah.

The storm came and went- it made the camper sway and it was loud, but we felt secure and fine. Little did we know, this was outside out little home.

Yikes. That could have been bad.

After walking around to see how the rest of the campground faired, we saw another downed tree that explained why we were without power.

The power lines are under that tree.