The Adorable Jim Thorpe

The Adorable Jim Thorpe

If you ever wanted to feel like you’re walking around a little storybook town, Jim Thorpe in the place.  Complete with a old school train.  I am so bummed we were rushed when we were here as I would have loved to really spend time wandering around and checking out the weird little shops and restaurants.  Although.. the town is pretty small so it wouldn’t take too long to do that.

Not only does the town look like a cute English town, but its surrounded by beautiful mountains. 

I’m not sure what it’s like for other holidays, but some of the people here were serious about Halloween and had some pretty awesome and creepy decorations.  Also lots of stuff about witches.

Yes some if it’s pretty touristy, but we still dug it.  It wasn’t cheesy in your face touristy, but it was cute and easy to get caught up in.