Glen Onoko Falls Trail

Glen Onoko Falls Trail

Girl.  This hike was no joke.

I remember myself repeatedly saying “Why is this so hard??” and “I might fall”.

The parking lot at the bottom was packed, with tourists of all ages wandering around snapping photos.  Maybe the abundance of old people and young children made me think we were just going to stroll on up and down casually?

Nope. Not true. Those must have been some bada** senior citizens.  And now that I am thinking about it I do remember a family going by with grandma heeled sandals. WHAT. Why and how did that happen.  I hope she made it…

The trail does start out easy and reasonable, but then it becomes the stair master.  But the stair master is made of rickety rocks and its sometimes wet and slippery.

Of course, harder hikes mean do have a better payoff, which in this case was waterfall after waterfall, each one beautiful.

As we got closer to the top, we received some words of encouragement.

Oh super.  Let’s do it!

Another thing I kept saying out loud was “Who put all these stairs in??”  Like for real though.. who does that.  But like I said, the harder the hike the prettier the views, and the view from the top was pretty amazing.

One week later and the colors would have been even better. But whatevs.

Coming down was also trickier than expected and I kept finding myself picking up more and more momentum and felt a little like a toddler who isn’t great at walking trying to run.

I would recommend this hike- but please wear shoes that support your ankles because there are loose rocks and wet leaves that make it trickier than it should be.