Dogfish Head Brewery

Dogfish Head Brewery

Now this is a brewery.

Not going to lie, we had no idea Dogfish Head Brewery was in Delaware.  But we were both extremely excited once we found out.  Richard was excited for their array of IPAs, and I was just hoping to get some fresh Punkin Ale… I. Love Pumpkin.

First, this place is huggggeee.  And then we saw the packaging building.  It was impressive.  Not only in the size, but the fact that they somehow managed to make a huge factory building look…hip? Super unnecessary, but whatevs.

Everyone working here is exactly like you would picture- much like their beer- quirky, welcoming and almost too hip for me.  The bartenders are fun, the tour guides are extremely knowledgable and the samples are large.

Oh, and they have ample overnight parking for…oh, I don’t know, say a huge truck and camper.   That’s right, we slept in the parking lot. There, I said it. We were able to set up shop, walk over to the tasting room and enjoy some beverages, then walk on back to our home and relax.  In the morning we made ourselves some breakfast, then headed on over to the brewery for our scheduled tour, which was surprisingly busy and full, especially for a weekday.

The tour was fairly long and did involve quite a bit of walking, as you have to walk through both the brewery and packaging building, where you will see an insane amount of bottled beer and get to wear fun safety glasses.

The history behind Dogfish was actually interesting, although the tour did get very technical when it came to describing the beer making process (I could have gone without that, but that’s mostly because I have zero clue what they’re talking about).

They got jokes.

All in all, we would definitely recommend stopping by Dogfish and either catching a tour, or grabbing some food from the food truck and a beer.